Understanding Gender-Inclusive Pronouns: A Guide to Inclusivity

What Are Gender Pronouns and Why Are They Important?

Gender pronouns are crucial elements of language used to refer to people without using their names. Understanding the correct usage of gender-inclusive pronouns promotes respect and supports gender identity, especially for transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming individuals.

Examples of pronouns you might use to refer to others are:

Why Do People Add Pronouns to Their Signature Line?

Typically, society has taught us to make automatic assumptions about what pronouns to use for someone. If a person’s gender expression (the way they appear in terms of gender) seems to be masculine, we’d likely use he/him/his when talking about that person; if a person’s appearance seems to be feminine, we’d be likely to use she/her/hers. However, gender is not always that simple. Sometimes a person’s gender doesn’t align with their gender expression (the way they look). In addition, not everyone expresses themselves strictly masculine or feminine. So when a person includes their gender pronouns on their email signature line (or on a nametag, when introducing themselves, etc.), they are simply taking the guesswork away for you! It’s their way of saying “when you refer to me using pronouns (opposed to by my name), these are the pronouns I’d like for you to use.”
Sharing pronouns helps reduce instances of misgendering, which can be distressing and harmful to all individuals, but particularly those who are trans or non-binary.

If someone feels the need to state their pronouns, does it mean they are transgender, gender non-conforming, or intersex?

Not at all. Everyone has a gender, and most of us have specific pronouns we’d like people to use when we are being referred to. Some might ask: Isn’t it typically obvious what pronouns to use for a person? (For instance, if someone has a typically ‘feminine’ name and looks ‘female,’ then can’t one assume that person identifies as female and would want to be referred to with she/her/hers pronouns?) To answer that question, yes, most of us are privileged in that when someone guesses our pronouns, they’ll get them right. However, that’s not the case for everyone. Oftentimes this might be because a person is gender non-conforming (where they don’t clearly conform to ‘traditional’ male or female standards) or are openly gender-queer (which might also leave some unsure which pronouns to use). With that said, if someone decides to tell you their pronouns, it does not automatically mean they are transgender or gender non-conforming.
Even if you are not someone whose pronouns are often misidentified, sharing your pronouns can set a positive example and support those who might feel more vulnerable about their gender identity.


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